Thursday, August 12, 2010

Last Day of MY intern Working at Carmichael Lynch

I haven't been blogging for the longest
and EVENTUALLY i had this summer
intern job at Carmichael Lynch -very luck of me! -
and i was organizing the blogs that they FOLLOW,
and reminded me that i have a blog too. ^^ heheheee...
Reading those blogs can be very ADDICTING! hehehe
and writeing ONE can be too. Well today is my
LAST DAY! i know i know.
i need to find another job! and yeah i'll miss
coming to work everyday! :(
Getting drop off, waiting for the elevator,
standing in the elevator,-pushing the buttons-
and yeah sitting in my own cubic, reading blogs
about so many different things that you can never really think off.
and now here i am blogging about me leaving this place about
another hour or so! sigh. What a summer i had. :D
And now it went by so FAST! that i can't even stare it for one second!
But to be honest i had a great time over here at Carmichael Lynch!
It's great experience to explore my curiosity! Like EVERYONE
say i'm too "NOSY" but i seriously don't find myself like
that at all. hehehe...
It was cool, i have a supervisor with the same name and she also likes
the same color as i do. :) which is "RED" what a coincidence!?!?!
Well as of right now i know i have really bad grammer and spelling!!!
i hate it when i don't think about school or try to feel like i want to be in school!
all my knowledge is GONE! i seriously don't know what happen to it.
So at the same time i was hoping working at Carmichael Lynch will
still keep me stay on top of things w/ my smart side...but it didn't help as much..?>?>?>
i feel pretty upset about leaving this place because i'm use to it and
getting in the mood of knowing people and getting fimilar to them. :)
Well it's time to give it up TRACY! ahahaha...